

G.O.A.L., short for Give Our Area Life, is a community organization that meets to improve our interaction, and educate our community. Over the years the G.O.A.L. group has organized many activities in the Newman area for the benefit and enjoyment of all.

G.O.A.L. is working to reinvigorate our community with activities and celebrations for everyone in our area. From an annual Trunk-or-Treat and costume contest to city-wide garage sales every autumn, G.O.A.L. is constantly seeking both new and classic ways in which to bring people together and encourage a sense of community across the City of Newman and Newman Township.

No special requirements are necessary to join, only a willingness to put in some time and effort and a desire to see Newman thrive.

G.O.A.L. is meeting regularly. Keep an eye on our calendar for the next meeting time and place. Hope to see you there!

Website Issues? Contact Matthew Hales at mrhales@newmangoal.org.

Newman Community Redevelopment, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization.